Can u believe it?
Just towards the end of 2007 a mouse, a daring one, decided to come in the open from under ours house (and sometimes they dance in between the ceiling and the roof) because our house is pretty old ... 80 yrs par excellence and not even straight but still good with a bit of garden ... so this mouse was coming out in full daylight to "steal" the bread crumbs that we give to the birds ... ok have this silent glimpse of this flying fella:
they come always in the morning when we do breakfast and especially this big one besides sparrows ... l saw one sparrow this morning and l stayed with him watching all the time, all the moves he was doing, the alertness he was keeping while eating crumbs and getting fatter and jumping at each sound with surprises LOL ... and l was amazed to see that in a particular moment he froze up and then w-a-l-k-e-d step by step instead of jumping as usual and l saw that he was all puffed up and proud ... LOL ... it is a delicious experience to be connected with these natural creatures, it relaxes me much, it bring me out of the so-called civilization space and make me feel connected with nature ...
The mouse ... l'm posting it as my first post of the new year because 2008 is the year of the rat!!!
And l was amazed about this very very mysterious coincidence ... it is almost 4 years that l stay in this house and only once, a couple of yrs back, we saw a small mouse in the house! while watching the TV he appeared for a sec. just the face, like to check out and puff disappear ... and l said KAWAII that it means sweet! so may be it is the same fella grown up ... ok watch him in action ...
... and out of the blue exactly before his year come out like this? and there was a friend with us and he was amazed as well because he said that it is not normal that they come out in daytime (this l dont know if it is normal or not) but certainly very funny coincidence!
l'm talking about flowing because in the
chinese astrology the zodiacal sign Rat is the first in the list and therefore l see it as a new beginning and for my life too is a new beginning 'cos today is my last holiday and from tomorrow l start to work in a restaurant and things are running so in tune with everything ... and l liked this way of counting the year in chinese/japanese calendar with the 12 zodiacal animals, also the story of its origin is nice to read on ... beside, l'm the snake ;) hhheeeeeeeeeeeee