l'm back

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW .... meeeoowww .... sorry for being so late ... l was busy to learn how to take care better my body ... but ALAS let get out of Yakushima!

You don't know what it does mean to stay 3 days continuously under rain and wet all over the body (except night time eh) and then suddenly WUEEEMMMMM the hot sun SSHUUUUMMMM kicking everywhere! it was really nice to be exposed to the SOURCE! (eh...because if the sun pop out then u too pop for sure... eh)
Anyway all my stuff, even my purse, my block-note with all the papers inside ... all w-e-t and so u can see that l'm making them happy tho have a happy sun-bathing and especially me of course!

l found a nice link with many more very nice pictures of Yakushima ... just go and dive in.
Well ... the Rocket boat is waiting for me to sail and so l guess it is time to finally say:
Yakushima-san ..... thank you & goodbye! ................... l mean: see you again!

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