The Biggest

Back at home for dinner ... with much surprise, V's poppa bought just for us 4 of these very giant oyster ... it was soooo unbelievable BIG!!!! l had the honour to open ... well, not exactly an honour because some yrs back one guy brought to our home in TYO very fresh scallop and l never opened, l heard that need some practice before u can open the scallop in a right way... but he was so busy and therefore asked me if l could do it ... ok l can try why not? and so he explained how to when l had the scallop in my hand and it was open enough to put the palm of the thumb between the edges of the shells so to avoid the immediate shut..and just when with the knife l started to cut, the scallop of course wanted to save himself but l was shocked of how much power he had for shutting was to late for me to give up ... l had to finish, while l was cutting l could feel the life struggle of the scallop and when l finally cut the upper part l felt all the force vanishing ... it was a very bad experience for me!!! l practically killed him. And l told to this guy "You rascal!!! why you have to make me a killer? next time just bring it already opened ..."
so when l saw this oyster at the beginning l hesitated but then l thought that they will be opened it is better that l do it with love and awareness.

lt was the most good raw seafood that l ever ate!!! when l was eating it tears wanted to come out of my eyes .... sooooo fabulously good.



OH MY GOD! sorry but professional? i never opened one of that monsters but if i was there i would suggest to put it on the fire, most probably even a candle would work, and the poor guy was bound to open its valves! EASY! Next time try it, put it on the gas burner, and let me know. First the poor guy is not going to suffer because, feeling hot, he will open the valves on its own and second you need to cut a precise point that is the connection with the valve and that's all - he will go to heaven immediately and you too when eating it.


but i know you did your best!

darshan said...

Oh my my ... l didn't think about it!!! and l knew that there must be a better way but his dad showed how to do it and in that way and we were also in a hurry because the dinner was already on the table!!!
yeah l did my best ... in eating it too LOL ... but thank you for this point, next chance for sure l will use it! Oh my my...

Anonymous said...

accidenti! mai visto una cosa simile e .. quanta fatica per aprirla ... ma ... immagino che poi l'abbiate mangiata! noooo, io non avrei potuto! impressionante!